he following links to external websites contain information that you may find useful. PBNI cannot accept responsibility for the content on any external website or the accuracy of the material they contain. Providing links to these sites does not necessarily mean that PBNI supports the organisation listed or any views presented.
Criminal Justice
- Compensation Agency
- Criminal Justice Inspectorate for Northern Ireland (CJINI)
- Department of Justice (DOJ)
- Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI)
- Ministry of Justice
- National Offender Management Service (NOMS)
- NI Direct – Introduction to the Justice System
- NI Direct – Information about Sentencing, Prison and Probation
- Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS)
- Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
- Northern Ireland Policing Board
- Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS)
- Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
- Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
- Public Prosecution Service (PPS)
- Public Protection Arrangements in Northern Ireland (PPANI)
- Youth Justice Agency (YJA)
- European Organisation for Probation (CEP)
- CEP – Probation Works – Facts about Probation
- HM Inspectorate of Probation
- Probation Service – Ireland
- Probation Services – England and Wales
- Probation Services – Scotland
- Professional Association for Probation Officers
- Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP)
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
- Extern
- Northern Ireland Assembly
- Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NIACRO)
- Northern Ireland Executive
- Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs)
- Prince’s Trust
- Victim Support – Northern Ireland
- Women’s Aid