Probation Caseload Statistics Annual Report 20-21

Published date:

This report provides statistics on the Probation caseload for the 2020/21 financial year (01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021).

Throughout the report comparable statistics are provided for previous years. Statistics on the total caseload are on a point in time basis, i.e. as at the end of the financial year (31 March). Statistics on the number of reports completed, the number of new orders made, and Probation Victim Information Scheme registrations cover the entire financial year (i.e. 01 April – 31 March). The data presented in this publication is drawn from the Probation's Electronic Case Management System (ECMS).

Although care is taken when processing and analysing to quality assure the data, the data is subject to inaccuracies inherent in an administrative data recording system. Where percentages have been presented in this report they are subject to rounding. Probation statistics are collated and produced by statisticians seconded to the organisation from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).

Statistics published in this report have been subject to validation and quality assurance processes, details of which will be published in due course, as these processes are currently under review. The tables presented in this report are available to on request from the contact details below.

Lockdown measures in relation to Covid-19 were introduced on 23rd March 2020 and have had an impact on Probation caseload. Courts in Northern Ireland were stood down to all but the most urgent cases, as set by the Lord Chief Justice. This will therefore create a temporary decrease in new orders added to the caseload and reports requested for courts.

We welcome comment and feedback on these statistics. If you would like to forward your views, contact Probation Statistics & Research Branch at 028 9052 2522, or e-mail statistics&