Guide to the Duke of Edinburghs Award in Probation

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Probation has been a successful Licensed Operating Authority for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) within the criminal justice sector for many years. We believe that this programme adds value to our core responsibility by challenging offenders to make a difference in their lives and recognising their achievements.

Research undertaken by Cardiff University School of Social Sciences into the impact of DofE participation on offenders indicated that ‘after engaging in the DofE activities young people demonstrated a more positive attitude in relation to offending in general, a higher level of victim empathy, less perceived reward for crime, reduced anticipation of re-offending and fewer perceived life problems in future.

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards contribute to:

  • resettlement continuity where the offender has commenced participation in custody and is now subject to PBNI supervision
  • development of the DofE with female offenders
  • provision of DofE for community based Orders

The Award can accredit most of our work with offenders and its modular structure enables participants to achieve success rapidly while challenging them to engage purposefully during supervision. Programmes with e.g. NIACRO, Extern, The Prince’s Trust and Workforce etc. can all be accredited through the Award which also provides offenders with opportunities for social inclusion, enhanced employability and has the potential, therefore, to reduce offending.

Increasingly those leaving custody, having completed some elements of their DofE, are entitled to continue their participation under Probation supervision.