Probation Caseload Statistics: 2022/23 Quarter 2 (provisional In-Year Statistics)

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About PBNI Statistics

This report provides statistics on PBNI caseload for the second quarter of the financial year, reflecting PBNI caseload at points in time at the end of September 2022. There are also comparators to data in previous years.

Statistics on the number of reports completed, the number of new orders made, and PBNI Victim Information Scheme registrations, are subject to change, particularly for the latest month. When revisions are necessary, the updates occur in each quarterly publication and considered final in the annual publication for the financial year. Percentages presented in this report are subject to rounding.

The data source for all tables and charts presented in this publication from April 2020 onwards is the PBNI’s electronic case management system (ECMS). Prior to this date, a different, but compatible case management system was in place. Although care taken when processing and analysing data increases quality assurance, it is however, subject to inaccuracies inherent in an administrative manual data recording system.

The collation and production of PBNI statistics is by seconded statisticians from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). Statistical production is subject to a UK code of practice, the details of which are available here: About the Code – Code of Practice for Statistics

Special Note about PBNI Statistics in 2020/21

There was a negative impact on PBNI caseload from the introduction of lockdown measures on 23rd March 2020, due to temporary court closures and reduced sittings. From the beginning of the financial year 2020/21, there were significantly fewer new orders made or requests for reports from court. While new orders and reports requested have returned to pre-pandemic levels, one should exercise caution when examining trend information during the 2020/21 financial year.

Contact and Further Information

PBNI statistics production is undergoing updates to the systems used to collate and organise the data for dissemination. During this time, it may be possible to provide regular updates to data not previously included in our publications. PBNI welcome feedback on these statistics and encourage requests for additional information users may wish to have included in future publications.

If you would like to forward your views / requests, contact PBNI Statistics & Research Branch e-mail: